Why Fertigation?
Fertigation System are design for work with complex fertilizer mixing and precise irrigation amount. It work for drip irrigation method for reusable equipments by only one machine. Unlike single zone dosing controller. Fertigation able to work with many irrigation area at once unit and perform seamless of any working process .
Working with dosing channel
up to 8 compartment
Working with irrigation
up to 8 zone
Irrigation Program schedule
up to 6 Program / zone
By Pass Valve and
Flush Zone / Tank
Volumetric Irrigation
Control and logs
Easy to used with 7"
Touch Screen Display
Typical Setup
Batch mixing system working principle are bring all compartment of dosing input and water of irrigation amount mix together in pre-mix tank and check before send over to the field. This method make very precise of nutrients level and final amount of water to the irrigation area.
Inline Injection system working principle are inject fertilizer input in real-time along with water flow from booster pump. This method are suitable for water requirement more than 50m3 per area.